Working with Sandtex

Celebrating their 60th anniversary

Here at The Meadows, it really is a full-time job keeping up with all the outdoor maintenance. We live in a 1960’s farmhouse set amongst 6 acres. It really is a lovely spot with old meadow land surrounding us with lovely big trees. In-fact its was the trees that grabbed me all those years ago when we first looked around. I know we are lucky to live here, it is truly a magical spot, however what comes with our heavenly oasis is a lot of hard work and cost. We don’t have the money to pay people to do all the work so much of our weekends involves painting, grass cutting, tidying etc

A little background about Sandtex®

From its humble beginnings in Sale, Manchester, as part of the Cement Marketing Company Ltd. Sandtex® has grown from two-products to become a leading brand with its masonry portfolio, Celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. Sandtex’s products aim to transform the outdoors – from exterior walls and front doors, to wooden and metal furniture and accessories. As part of thee Crown Paints family, it sits alongside Crown and Sadolin.


Painting and staining are big jobs here. Windows, doors, outbuildings, sheds, treehouse and fences. I have always used Sandtex outdoor paints thanks to their range of colours and quality so I was very happy to be invited to work with them on our most recent and much needed project.

Recent project

The windows

It was perfect timing to have the chance to work together. Our windows were looking tired especially the large ones around our patio area. I spent the best part of a week sanding down and preparing.

I wanted a change from white so opted for a lovely soft green called Bay Tree. I had been toying with changing from white for a while. A lovely calming colour that blends in well with the outdoors and works well against the pot plants and flowers and those that climb.

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The Pergola


A few years ago, we built a pergola on the back of the house and it has been like adding an extra room as we have lived out here come rain or shine.


With panoramic views of the garden and fields, it really is a super place to unwind. I painted the timber in black Sandtex 10 Year Exterior Satin. For our roof we used bamboo cane panelling under plastic corrugated which meant the roof was totally waterproof and still looked attractive.

The paint works nicely against the bamboo cane, planters and lampshades. It has a kind of Ibiza beach hut vibe about it! I love the colour so much I may paint all our windows in Bay Tree.


The pergola is ever changing with new furniture this year. The climbers are now really taking hold, slowly covering the structure. I used a white Climbing Rose, Wisteria, Passion Flower and a Clematis.


The Treehouse

A few years ago I gave our little treehouse a makeover. It was a shed that a friend was throwing away so we bought it home and reassembled it. We made put it on stilts (a big high five to James as this really pushed his DIY skills).  I painted it in a lovely bright blue but over the years it began to look shabby so worked with Sandtex and it was so much fun giving the little house a proper makeover. I used Seclusion on the outside and it still looks as good as new. Such a great colour that nestles amongst the greenery really well.

The Before



The After

All the other makeovers have been so much fun and I have enjoyed collaborating with Sandtex Paints who provided the paint for the three makeovers. It is long lasting, easy to apply and offers a lovely range of colours. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions, I’ll happily help where I can.  


This blog was written in collaboration with Sandtex. All the words are my own. I only ever work with brands that I really love. This has been such a great opportunity to work with such a perfect brand for The Meadows.

Author: pandoramaxton

Interiors, Influencer, stylist and blogger. Winner of BBC One Best House in Town.

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